GPX Fresh Blank Theme
A free blank child theme for GeneratePress. Absolutely free. No strings attached.
Category: Function & Design
GPX Fresh Blank Theme
GPX Fresh is a free blank child theme for GeneratePress.
If you don’t know what a blank child theme is, just picture it as a fresh canvas that enables you to add your own custom styling and functions to your WordPress website.
The primary reason for using a child theme is so that any custom changes you make to your CSS or PHP files are not lost when the parent theme is updated.
To get started with GPX Fresh just follow these simple steps:
- Install the GeneratePress parent theme on your website.
- Download the GPX Fresh zip file to your computer desktop.
- In your WordPress admin panel go to: Appearance > Themes > Add New >Upload Theme. Upload the GPX Fresh zip from your desktop. Click install and then activate.
GPX Fresh is absolutely free with no strings attached. When you download its zip folder you will see that it contains the following 3 files:
- style.css: This file is where you add your custom CSS.
- screenshot.png: This image will appear in the your WordPress themes panel.
- functions.php: This file is where you add your custom PHP snippets.